Referral Farms | Croatia
Eko stočar
“We needed software for the entire business, and other software on the market is not adapted for this type of production. PANTHEON Farming provides us with everything we need.”
Mrs. Anka Beljo, Eko stočar d.o.o.

- How big is your farm, how many people work there and how long has it existed?
We have 6 employees, 900 pigs, 250 sheep, 6,000 heads of poultry and 190 hectares of arable land. We’ve existed since 2011.
- Where do you sell your products? How do you market them?
We sell our products through the store chain BOSO d.o.o., with which we are connected by ownership.
- Why did you decide to buy/lease PANTHEON Farming?
We needed software for the entire business, and other software on the market is not adapted for this type of production, agriculture. PANTHEON Farming provides us with everything we need.
- What kind of benefits did you expect of the program?
To have better control over production and our business and to have all related information in one place.
- How would you describe your experience with PANTHEON Farming?
We are pleased with PANTHEON Farming, it has everything we need. It is very intuitive and gives you a great overview. At the beginning we needed beginner training and after that it was easy.
- Did you attend any training? Was it a challenge to start using the program?
Yes, we had a short course for PANTHEON Farming at the beginning.
- Would you recommend PANTHEON Farming to a friend, neighbor or another farm? Why?
Yes, of course. Because it helps you track production.