Наші користувачі

У цьому розділі наші користувачі діляться своїми враженнями по роботі у PANTHEON Farming. Місією нашої команди є підтримка аграріїв у впровадженні інновацій, забезпечення максимально корисним і простим у користуванні продуктом, який можна освоїти за день та застосовувати у щоденній роботі та прийнятті рішень.

PANTHEON Farming Success Story

Doing traditional Istrian business in a non-traditional way on MonteRosso estate. Monte Rosso has been PANTHEON Farming user since 2015.

AGRO IT Refferal stories in Macedonia
Mrs. Aneta Jordana, manager at the Cow Farm Boniair, Macedonia wanted to determine what the actual profit was. Mr. Ordan Pecov, greenhouse and open-field vegetable farmer, Macedonia, wanted to limit an unnecessary irrigation, pesticide application and fertilization.



“We want to use the latest technologies and equipment to increase productivity and raise efficiency. We also want to grow bio fruit in accordance with EU standards. We believe PANTHEON Farming can help us achieve these goals. ”

Farm Harmonic

Farm Harmonic

“PANTHEON Farming covers all our activities, which include crop farming, animal husbandry, growing vegetables, poultry farming, etc., and any associated accounting needs.”

Nataša Šinkovec, Irenee s.p.

Nataša Šinkovec, Irenee s.p.

“Once you master it, you have much more time for your actual work.”

Martin Sraka

Martin Sraka

“The program helps me to access data very quickly and it calculates certain things automatically, which reduces my work load.”

Ervin Andrejčič

Ervin Andrejčič

“We’re special because we reach for new technologies relatively fast, as we want to make our work easier, improve production and put less stress on ourselves.”

Agro Industriala Rokura

Agro Industriala Rokura

“I can’t imagine myself keeping records on paper or in Excel anymore.”

Horse Resort Stariha

Horse Resort Stariha

“We got PANTHEON Farming because of how efficiently we can monitor all activities and processes at the farm in one place.”

Eko Ilinden Cooperative

Eko Ilinden Cooperative

“We learned that the only opportunity at the moment in Macedonia is PANTHEON Farming.”

Eko stočar

Eko stočar

“We needed software for the entire business, and other software on the market is not adapted for this type of production. PANTHEON Farming provides us with everything we need.”

OPG Zdravko Pankretić

OPG Zdravko Pankretić

“In the beginning we needed education to understand how the software works and to make the start easier. We took a couple of hours of training with implementation, after that we have support.”

PZ Salić

PZ Salić

“Technology is moving forward and our wish was that our farm becomes a modern one, where we can monitor our herd easily, so we decided to introduce an ERP system.”

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