Referral Farms | Slovenia
Horse Resort Stariha
“We got PANTHEON Farming because of how efficiently we can monitor all activities and processes at the farm in one place.”
Mrs. Ana Stariha, Horse Resort Stariha

- What kind of farm do you have and what is your main activity?
We grow crops and keep livestock at our farm. Our main activities are pig fattening, growing feed for our pigs (corn, barley, triticale, etc.), and forestry, while our secondary activities include slurry spreading services, meat processing, running a riding school, and others.
- How big is your farm, how many people work there and how long has it existed?
Our farm has 2 pig houses and 2 stables for horses. We have about 160 ha of fields and grassland. 3 family members work full-time at the farm, while the others are either employed elsewhere or are still in school, so they help out during their time off. We’ve been breeding pigs at the current location for 19 years. Before that, we were breeding cattle at the family farm.
- Where do you sell your products? How do you market them?
We feed most of the crops we grow to the pigs and we sell most of the pigs to Ihan, one of the biggest pig breeding farms in Slovenia, since we have a cooperation agreement with them. Some of the pigs are sold to locals for further fattening and slaughter. Our riding school offers services to the wider population of the region and we market the services through Facebook and our website (
- What differentiates you from farms with similar activities? What makes you special?
We strive for progress, and we invest in our infrastructure, land, and agricultural machinery. We’re developing new secondary activities to create new and diverse sources of income, which ensures the stability of our business.
- Who are you grateful to for your success so far? What motivates and drives you?
Our success is the result of perseverance through financially less secure times, setting new goals, and investing into our future. The desire for work, as well as fresh ideas and goals, is what motivates us.
- Why did you decide to buy/lease PANTHEON Farming?
We got PA FA because of how efficiently we can monitor all activities and processes at the farm in one place.
- What kind of benefits did you expect of the program (e.g. less time spent entering data and making reports, farm and cost overview, higher efficiency, control over pesticide and fertilizer usage, tracking, etc.)?
We expected reduced data entry times, because you only have to enter information into the program once, and easier report creation, especially for AECP reports, since all data are in one place.
- To what extent did it meet your expectations?
You really only have to enter data once into the program, which saves time when creating reports. They also have a very clear structure.
- How would describe your experience with PANTHEON Farming?
My experiences with the program have mostly been positive, but you need to invest some time into adapting the program to your farm’s needs and learning about all the functions that the program has to offer.
- Did you attend any training? Was it a challenge to start using the program?
We attended the beginner courses in Ljubljana to get a feel for the program. Further implementations of our data were conducted remotely. It was quite difficult to start using the program.
- Would you recommend PANTHEON Farming to a friend, neighbor or another farm? Why?
Because of the clarity of the data, I would recommend the program to anyone who is in the agricultural business on a bigger scale.
- Do you have a weather station, insect traps, or sensors in your stables?
We have a weather station.