News & Events

Datalab Agro news on innovative agriculture, PANTHEON Farming product updates, projects and events that we’ve taken part in. Tell us what you think of modern farming.

How to use PANTHEON Farming if you are pig breeder?

How to use PANTHEON Farming if you are pig breeder?

Pig fattening is a business that runs on a very tight margin. This is especially true for Slovenia where pig production is suffering due to low prices and high costs. PANTHEON Farming therefore developed a specialized module that enables you to track your production...

Ivana Pinkle, PANTHEON Farming Consultant

Ivana Pinkle, PANTHEON Farming Consultant

Ivana Pinkle, PANTHEON Farming Consultant I joined the Datalab Agro Croatia team when I was finishing my university degree in business information technology in 2013. Connecting the seemingly unrelated, Agriculture and IT, is a major challenge. It requires constant...

PANTHEON Farming Novelties – Welcome to the Virtual Olive Oil Cellar

PANTHEON Farming Novelties – Welcome to the Virtual Olive Oil Cellar

So far, PANTHEON Farming allowed for managing olive oil tasks and material consumption, as well as time management. The new version of PANTHEON Farming introduces a virtual olive oil cellar, where you can now receive olive oil into stainless steel containers. These...

Datalab honoured in prestigious awards

Datalab honoured in prestigious awards

Datalab was honored at an exclusive event, at beautiful Palace Dverce, Zagreb, Croatia on December, 1st, for The European Business Awards, as part of a series of events to celebrate Europe’s best business. Datalab was chosen by a panel of independent judges, including...

PANTHEON Farming Expert Models – Tools for Better Planning

PANTHEON Farming Expert Models – Tools for Better Planning

PANTHEON Farming Expert Models – Tools for Better Planning One of the most important new features added to PANTHEON Farming this fall are the so-called Expert Models. We’ve analyzed the current needs of farmers and decided to add the option for short, medium, and...

Conclusions of Three-Year AgroIT Project at EIMA 2016

Conclusions of Three-Year AgroIT Project at EIMA 2016

Buzzword Seamless Integration As usual, November is the busiest part of the year for us – the harvest marks the end of work in the field and means the beginning of the “indoor season” with all the fairs lining up one after the other all over the world. Last week, we...

PANTHEON Farming Global Newsletter

About the Global Newsletter

The PANTHEON Farming newsletter brings amazing technologies for agriculture that shouldn’t stay in the lab closer to you. We strongly believe that it shouldn’t be a luxury to be both profitable and sustainable, and that technology can help big time. We invite you all to think about what kind of stakeholders we want to be.

Past Issues

If you want to read past issues of our PANTHEON Farming Newsletter please visit the Campaign Archive Page.

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